Take a cyberstroll through the animal gallery of any online art source and you will be delighted at the variety of offerings. From Matisse’s goldfish to wall murals of whales, from Beatrix Potter’s Flopsy to a wolf howling on a glacier, from a kitten in a hammock to a lion on the hunt, you can find an image to suit your taste. There are several categories of pictures to be found in the animal gallery: jungle animals, farm animals, birds and fishes, forest denizens and domestics, to name just a few.
The Animal Gallery Is a Great Source for Art for Children
I’ve always believed that children can enjoy “real” art just as much as images from fairy tales and cartoons. Isn’t Durer’s gentle, observant engraving of a hare just as appropriate for a child’s room as Bugs Bunny? The term Futurism means nothing to a four-year-old, but I’ve never seen a child fail to be amused by Giacomo Balla’s Dynamism of a Little Dog on a Leash.
How lucky we are these days to have the Internet! When my son was small, I searched galleries in every city I visited to find a print of Balla’s whimsical painting, and for Paul Klee’s The Red Balloon. I never found either one. Thanks to online galleries and poster shops, however, my grandson’s room is decorated with both.
Take your child with you to visit an online animal gallery and see what tickles him or her. It may be that faux-primitive painting of a big red cow, an up close and personal photo of an ostrich or a Japanese print of a cat. It’s never too early for art.
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