Well, do you ask yourself before “Where to get a painting of my cat”? This is a special article for you and for every pet owner. So share it with your friends. We’re sure they’re asking themselves “where can I get a painting of my cat”
We have no doubt about it. When we have pets at home, we treat them like royalty. Often, we are touched by their small faces, can’t help because they have done some silly things. So, even if some don’t understand this unconditional love between pets and his master, others consider Anima as equivalent to humans. So, for the love of their dog (and their cat) who is not afraid to show it, it is possible to have a “kingdom” portrait that is painted by their affection!
Because we love our pets ( cats, dogs, rabbits, or other friends like our children, we also like to take their photos very often. Who doesn’t have a gallery that is full of photos of their friends or selfies in the company Are they their smartphones?
However, there is even better than these images on the screen to reflect on your animal anytime and connect it: Personalized portraits.

Portrait of pets as “painting of my cat” or “my cat’s painting” is very popular among painters. There is nothing softer and the symbol of yourself respects your pet with a decent tribute to make artwork. To achieve a portrait of beautiful acrylic pet, it is necessary to use a mixture of delay paint and gel around 50/50. It provides fluid gel that is far more fluid and provides consistency such as flaxseed oil when painting with oil and allows us to work wet for more subtle mixing. Acrylic is a beautiful media but they dry very quickly. I hope to show that by using this method you can still mix and use acrylic in a way similar to portraits of oil without releasing fast dry times.
Choose a photo of a beautiful cute puppy; I really like 3/4 poses and a soft and soft expression of our dog’s friends. Good installation is very important for great portraits; I have found the best to get friends to help take pictures of your pet.
Make your unique pet portrait
“As a parent of pets, we tend to humanize our pets and see it as our good friend. Therefore the idea of creating masterpieces for our pets, in human portraits”. We offer unique portraits and can be adjusted from your pet made by graphic artists. And any pet has the right to his paintings: cats, dogs, rabbits, ducks, parakeets and even reptiles can be transformed into a princess or film hero!
This service was launched by several pet fans. They want to create something genuine for pet owners, while emphasizing the artistic aspects and environmental dimensions. The idea is to change your dog or cat photo into a vintage portrait. This anthropomorphic representation makes your pet appear in costumes, in the style and decoration inspired by the Renaissance.
Perpetuating your pet with pictures
Life will be very sad without our small animals. Always save in your life with a unique and touch portrait image!
Pets are sometimes difficult and photographed. Make them to take the right break and catch their attention at the same time not easy! And even less uniting all your pets in the same photo. The image will simplify your task! This will allow you to combine multiple photos if necessary, but also to change the view of the pet so that it looks at you.
Cute and original gifts to enlighten special events –
Party and birthday –
Has your grandmother never travel without her little dog? Give him drawn for his birthday! Does your sister love her cat? The message is portrait for Christmas or his birthday!
Pet death –
Sometimes the reason why someone contacted us with the question “can you make a painting of my cat” actually for sad reasons. Our little pets are very important in our lives, but unfortunately they are not eternal … their portraits in the picture allow us to capture them and keep them forever in our hearts! Comfort for yourself or good attention for loved ones.
The painter offers paintings that honor your faithful four-legged companion, dog or cat. The paints are made to measure, in acrylic on canvas or on colored paper. Our art of art is contemporary, colorful, happy.
To get a portrait that is true to your pet, the paint studio needs several pictures of the dog or cat, or even a meeting in our studio, as much as possible. We will discuss with you your faithful companion: his personality, his story, your link and your place of life. For studio painting, the most important thing is to understand the animal’s eyes, because it is in the look we feel all the emotion and the complicity of your faithful companion. “A lot of things spend in their eyes. They also have a very expressive element that I like to appreciate: their ears. The ears high, one of the two hanging a little and it is the jackpot in terms of expressiveness.
Easy tips from photographing your pet –
Find out how to take superb pictures of your pets for Christmas with these easy tips, tricks and shooting techniques.
Pets can be ridiculously cute and many of us catch the camera to capture their jokes, fun expressions and weird habits. But Christmas is a good time to try a portrait of your favorite pet. A photo of your cat, your dog or a hamster posing in a party outfit can be fun to customize a card or give a custom gift.
All the difficulty lies in the fact that most animals do not care about being photographed. In fact, some animals will come out of their way to frustrate and play with you. You will need more than one deceiver your handle to get their attention. Photographer’s skills, tips to get them hitting a pose and a handful of treats should give you an advantage in this power balance.
Style the scene –
A Christmas tree is a nice decoration to make portraits of your pet at Christmas. It offers bright colors and very bright areas. Accessories like Santa Hats and Scarves can also be incredible, if your pet is willing to use them. Ideally, choose a room with large windows for shot. Natural light is ideal for portraits of pets because it is soft and illuminates the shadow areas, while a flash can scare them. Place your pet in front of the window, the Christmas tree, and light up behind the fairy.
Have your pet posture –
As a general rule, dogs feel more comfortable by calling a posture than cats, because you can get your attention more easily with a fast whistle, a question like “Where is the cat?” Or a funny noise. All pets have their own personalities, but it should be recognized that cats are usually less inclined to please. Patience is essential in history, and you will probably have to wait a while for the cat relax. Try to get your comfortable in one position, as in a chair or stool (or even on your cushion). Have your favorite toy or a bowl of food ready, and slightly touch the top of the lens to get your attention.
Adjust your exposure –
Choose an exhibition that you can configure once and for all. This will allow you to focus on Posar and Framing. The easiest way to do this is to configure the camera in manual exposure mode (M). Its shutter speed should be fast enough to capture the action, ideally around 1/200 sec. If the pet is relatively calm, but it should accelerate the speed if it is moving a lot. We also recommend using a large opening (F / 5.6, in this case), as this will separate the subject from the bottom and create a charming bokeh effect.
Attention –
The approach can be one of the greatest challenges when it comes to pet portraits, as it has to focus with precision in the eyes of the beast, which could move your head at any time or review. Therefore, some photos will inevitably be blurred, but if you have a one-responded camera, it is concerned, you can increase your chances of being more acute. Certainly, it will have a lot of fun trying to capture the perfect shot, although your pet will not always be willing to cooperate. Whether you are taking a portrait of pets at Christmas or at another time, this is your chance to practice your technique and strengthen your photographic skills.
Wrapping up –
We all know that it is really the thought that counts when it comes to giving gifts. A gift that is given with love and with thoughtfulness behind it is truly the best gift you can give. Personalized gifts indicate that you care more than anything picked up at the last minute. Through the personalized portraits that we offer, it is a unique work that will last a lifetime that will make the ideal gift for both dads and mothers who own their furry beast. Like the greatest emblematic figures of the renaissance, transform your favorite beast with this tailor-made costume, to become one of the emblematic figures of this era. Capture the true emotions of your pet with this beautiful Renaissance portrait! Designed by our artists with love and the greatest care, pay tribute to your beast by putting it in the spotlight through these
genuine 100% personalized works of art. Find below a selection of our personalized Pet portraits the most appreciated by our community.

We hope you enjoyed reading the article and answered the question “painting of my cat”? And if you still do not understand – you are welcome to order the demand wish of “painting of my cat” through our website. We are sure you will be satisfied just like all our customers!