We offer an affiliate program to help you make money. How? It’s simple.
All you need to do is contact us via email and ask us for a link to the “Affiliate Program”. We will create a special measurable link for you that you can post on your blog, Instagram, or any other way you want. We will pay you $10 per 1000 clicks or 10% from a sale made through your affiliate link (for example, if a customer buys a painting for $1000, you will get $100).
Another option is to receive $10 for every 300 “likes” on social media posts sponsoring a painting you purchased from us (limited up to $100 / 3000 likes). All you need to do is to take a photo of the painting and provide a link to our website in the Instagram post description. Once you get 300 likes, you can send us email and we will reward you! We will pay directly to your Paypal account or Bitcoin wallet.
If you have a blog/website/page with a good following, we will be happy to collaborate with you. You are welcome to contact us!

Don’t Know What Affiliate Program Is?
Basically, affiliate programs, called partner programs, are courses of action in which an online vendor Web website which pay to a person commission to send traffic to their service. These partner have specific agreements. Those agreements usually about the percent profit that the partner will receive per each traffic to the merchant’s site, or the number of people they send who buy something or perform some other action. There are usually several plans. Essentially, if a connection on the partner site brings the merchant some traffic (or profits), the merchant site pays the affiliate his profit. Well, it’s easy to understand, we are talking probably about something unique, we can call it “The Joker Method ” when it comes to “how to get more sales”.